Content Practice

The Content Practice examines the Connected Consumer's life from the context of content consumption. While the Devices Practice looks at how the specific device is used, and the Access Practice considers the broadband connection choices, the Content Practice considers the consumer’s end goal in terms of what they wish to do with these devices.

To this end, we leverage a combination of panel surveys and on-device metering sources to provide the wide-scale view of the connected content world.


  • Monthly entertainment reports look specifically at video, music and gaming consumption on smartphones, leveraging the on-device SmartMeter product. These are monthly reports tracking key use, and which apps are dominating the consumer scene.
  • Smartphone Usage Report examines consumer interaction with smartphones, leveraging the SmartMeter on-device tracking. Allows segmentation by consumer demographics and smartphone features, such as screen size and network speeds
  • Shopping on Smartphones Report is a quarterly report that examines the consumer’s use of the smartphone in the shopping experience. The report leverages a mix of on-device metering and consumer panel data to examine both what consumers use the smartphone for, and why.


  • Analysis of key trends in the content market and how these will shape future technology and content

See a sample Content report