Shopping on Smartphones Report

  • What types of apps and websites drive usage
  • What consumers shop for with smartphones
  • Where smartphones shopping occurs
  • In-store smartphone activity
  • Key app feature and functionality
  • The stickiness of retail apps

Smartphones are increasingly a key component of the consumer’s shopping behavior, both online and in-store. Indeed the smartphone is the meeting point of online and physical shopping behaviors, with the potential to drive the “omnichannel” initiatives of the major retailers. But there are many aspects to the smartphone shopping experience, ranging from an in-home replacement for the PC for web-based shopping, though to being an in-store tool for faster – or cheaper – shopping.

The Shopping on Smartphones Report series leverages a combination of on-device meter data and consumer panel data to provide insight into consumer shopping behaviors with their smartphones. The report examines where consumers leverage the smartphone, what types of shopping related activity is most commonly used, and how retailers can develop stronger ties to the consumer through improved apps and services.

By combining both on-device tracking, along with consumer data, the report examines both the actual use of applications and websites, as well as the consumer’s perspective regarding the product categories they shop for via smartphone, as well as a deeper dive into in-store activity.

Key Report Sections:

The Mobile Shopper: Provides context for the mobile shopping activity by examining all other smartphone activity.

Core Shopping Categories: Examines consumer adoption of coupons and retail services and the adoption of apps and websites by demographic segments.

Driving Shopping Demand: Analyses the  types of products consumers shop for with their smartphones, and where the activity takes place. The section includes a deeper dive into in-store activity such as barcode scanning and other behaviors. 

The Mobile Apps: Compares and contrasts the features provided by leading mass merchants, consumer electronic, online, and pharmacy apps. Compares these features to the reality of which apps remain in use months after the initial download.

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