Home Automation Week in Review

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Week In Review

Echo Show Devices Add Weather 

Amazon has introduced a new feature for Echo Show devices that allows users to access local weather and news reports through Alexa. The feature is currently available in 15 cities, with more cities expected to be added in the future. Users can ask Alexa about the weather or tap on the Alexa weather widget to access local weather and news videos. The videos, sourced from local news channels, can be viewed by tapping on the thumbnails displayed at the bottom of the weather widget. The feature is currently available on Echo Show 8, Echo Show 10, Echo Show 15, and Fire TV Omni QLED Series devices, with plans to roll it out to the Echo Show 5 as well.

The Circana Take: 

  • Accessing local news is a sensible feature to add to the Echo Show line up. As these devices are commonly used to obtain short bits of news and information, brief curated news reports featuring local news and local weather will increase engagement with these devices.

Lunar Envisions Energy For The Home 

Lunar Energy is developing a home energy system that includes solar panels and battery backup to provide off-grid power. The system aims to offer homeowners a sustainable energy solution that can power their homes even during outages. The setup integrates solar panels with a battery storage system, allowing excess solar energy to be stored for later use. This ensures a continuous power supply and reduces reliance on the grid. Lunar Energy's system also includes smart energy management features for efficient energy usage. 

The Circana Take:  

  • As adoption of solar panels grows, owners will increasingly require tools to manage energy storage during peak usage times in addition to interfacing with the local power company. Lunar’s solution combines these features with a smartphone app to help homeowners take full advantage of their solar panels.
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