Mobile Week in Review
The week when:
- Oppo joins the Foldable party
- StraightTalk phones go unlocked
The week when:
- Oppo joins the Foldable party
- StraightTalk phones go unlocked
The TV Ownership Trends Report quantifies the U.S. TV installed base, room location trends, and delves into what drives consumers to replace their TVs. The dashboards include a 9-year trend. These data provide a view of how the TV replacement cycle impacts the resulting installed base. The dashboards are updated quarterly.
Key findings this wave include:
The week when:
- Disney & YouTube resolve dispute
- Discovery+ expands distribution & promotions
- T-Mobile releases new TVision Hub
The Device Ownership Trends & Profile report is your go to for understanding what devices consumers own and how that has changed over the past 3-years. The profile tool segments over 300 consumer groups. You can quantify device ownership penetration for your target demographic, shopper, viewer, subscriber and more. The analysis is published every other wave, and the accompanying excel data dashboard provides a more in-depth view of the trends every quarter.
The TV Switching Study is our new semi-annual research on viewer’s TV services, engagement & future intentions.
I dream of broadband data which is key to understanding current market trends and how they do – or do not – also apply to households on the other side of the digital divide.
The week when:
- Boost goes after the Big 3 with a new unlimited offering
- T-Mobile spills 5G adoption info
The week when:
- Paramount+ adding curated linear channels
- Peacock gets Universal’s movies
- Google and Roku reach new distribution deal
The week when:
- Matter to Allow Universal Video and Audio Streaming
- Fire TV gets Smart Home Dashboard
The week when:
- Pixel Watch: the rumor that just won’t die
- Samsung’s rollable screen?