Wearables Week In Review
The week when:
- Amazfit X Concept Coming to Indiegogo
- Huawei Watch Coming Soon
- Fitbit Charging 4wards?
The week when:
- Amazfit X Concept Coming to Indiegogo
- Huawei Watch Coming Soon
- Fitbit Charging 4wards?
The quarterly Wearable Marketplace report provides a detailed listing of the latest consumer wearable products that are in market, or expected to launch soon. The report tracks a wide variety of wearable product metrics and also provides useful infographics on the various wearable devices and device categories.
The week when:
- Tag Heuer Launches New Smartwatch
- Luxury And a Cellular Connection
- Jacquard Meets FIFA Gaming
With this latest version of the Wearables Report we have segmented it into two distinct reports. This report focuses on the consumer’s ownership of activity trackers and smartwatches, including ownership levels and trends, how and where the devices were purchased, purchase intent and interest in next generation wearables. The second report, Wearables Use, focuses on behaviors and activities that these owners undertake with the devices.
The week when:
- Smartwatch on a budget
- A Smartwatch OPPOrtunity
- When wearables meet gaming?
NPD Decision Key Access
The week when:
- Smartwatch on a budget
- Watch hacking
- When I’m 64
The week when:
- Sound of silence
- TicWatch Pro update
The week when:
- WatchMeGo from Sprint
- Dementia detection
- Smile, and Back Off!