
Usage Report - March 2023

As we saw in the Ownership report, the consumer base for smartwatches has stalled at 38 percent in the past six months, after a previous surge in ownership. This flattening has happened despite the fact that 40 percent of activity tracker owners said they plan to upgrade to a smartwatch.

Ownership Report - March 2023

In the previous wave of the report (six months ago) we saw a significant increase in smartwatch ownership, up from just over 31 percent to 38 percent. It was a solid boost, driven by smartwatch upgrades and consumers migrating over from activity trackers. But fast forward six months and the market has stalled again with effectively no ownership increase. Sales showed a similar story, with year over year sales down 34%.

Industry Overview - November 2022

After a flattening in ownership in 2021, smartwatch ownership has once again surged, increasing to 39 percent of the US adult population. But with this growth comes a couple of concerns: firstly, will this significant increase in adoption lead to an equally large increase in churn within a year? And secondly, how does the smartwatch market continue to grow?
