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Smartphone Owners Choose Network Speed over Reliability When Considering a Carrier Switch, According to The NPD Group

PORT WASHINGTON, NEW YORK, MARCH 21, 2013 –According to the new Connected Intelligence Carrier Smartphone Report, from global information company The NPD Group, network speed has grown significantly in importance from 25 percent of smartphone owners considering a switch in carriers in Q4 2011 to 41 percent in Q4 2012. Network reliability and better coverage also grew in importance among those consumers.

Mobile Observations from a SXSW First-Timer

Until this year, SXSW always seemed like the cool kids’ show. The show that I looked at longingly from afar, but could never justify attending as a mobile analyst, despite its buzz-worthy tech appeal. This time I finally made it for a private collocated pre-show event, which afforded me a fleeting glimpse into some of the mobile goings-on, and most notably Urban Airship’s “Mobile Saturday” event.

Internet Connected Devices Surpass Half a Billion in U.S. Homes, According to The NPD Group

Growth fueled by the addition of over 26 million tablets and smartphones


PORT WASHINGTON, NEW YORK, MARCH 18, 2013 – There are now more than half a billion devices in U.S. homes that are connected to the Internet and deliver apps, according to new findings from the Connected Intelligence Connected Home Report from global information company The NPD Group.  Increases in tablet and smartphone penetration drove the U.S. market to this milestone.

Samsung Eclipses Android Universe

Technically a Universe can consist of billions of Galaxies, but some are much larger than others. In the U.S., the Android Universe is starting to get usurped by Samsung. The latest Samsung phone, Galaxy S 4, is not just a hardware launch, but rather shows off Samsung's ability to leverage the Android bones to make a stronger overall device that is bigger than its parts.

425 Million Connected Devices – So, What Are Consumers Doing With Them?

We can now watch HBOGO on three TVs in our home. Last night we saw they started promoting its availability on Airplay. As an early adopter, my first thought was, I want an Apple TV too. But there is no need as all three TVs we own provide HBOGO, and each through a different type of device. Apple TV does, however, offer screen mirroring which none of the other connected devices in our homeprovide, and that is bound to be useful – right?

While Super Bowl XLVII Sunday Night Lights Go Out (For A Bit), Select Second-Screen (Smartphone) Activities Light-Up

While I never thought I’d ask “why did the power go out?” during the Super Bowl, I did have a number of questions going into the Big Game, including: 1) Which Brother Harbaugh will prevail? 2) Will Beyoncé redeem herself from “lip-sync-gate”? 3) How will consumers’ use their smartphones (companion, second screen) on Game Day? Well: These were the big questions that I was pondering, and for which I now have answers for: 1) John Harbaugh, 2) Yes, and 3) smartphone users kept their eyes affixed to the Big Screen, and periodically leveraged the immediacy and utility of their second-screens.

37% of PC Users Migrate Activities to Mobile Devices, According to The NPD Group

PORT WASHINGTON, NEW YORK, FEBRUARY 6, 2013 – Content that was once primarily accessed by consumers on their PCs, is shifting to mobile devices. According to the Connected Intelligence Application and Convergence Report from global information company, The NPD Group, 37 percent of consumers who used to access content on their PCs switched to their tablets and smartphones.

Another Home Screen For Your Home

The TV is evolving into a more complex device and the basic concept on turning it on and immediately watching TV could become a thing of the past. As consumers we’ve become conditioned to expect home screens on computers, tablets, and smartphones; TVs now look set to follow suit. New TVs from Samsung and Panasonic launch to a home screen rather than the last TV channel you were watching. This home, or launch page, is a customized experience based on recognition from a built-in camera.
